

Photo & Video : Le' Motion
Venue : Hotel Mulia Jakarta
Make Up : Sanggar Liza
Kebaya : Ferry Sunarto
Decoration : Meriah (reception), Flamboyan ( the Akad )
WO : Rina Gunawan (reception), Untitled ( the Akad )

"You don't marry the person you can live with, you marry the person you cannot live without..."

Marriage is the golden ring in a chain whose
beginning is a glance and whose ending is Eternity. The groom only got two shots for jewelry.
A watch and a wedding ring.
...and to be a beautiful bride is every women's dream.

They may want many things in life to secure their happiness, but really, all they need is love.
So, here's the moment...
When two people are being together.

Marriage is not only about two souls, but two families as well; to increase intimacy between the two families. Being happy together.

Anjas and Yanestika are falling in love many times with the same person.
They love each other.

...and true love story never have ending.

ANJAS & YANES SAME DAY EDIT from Le' Motion on Vimeo.