Being a part of someone’s wedding is such a blessing for us. Not only because it was our job (and we do really love it!) but there’s another thing that could warms our heart and also made us feels so emotional, which is to witnessed the saddest part in every marriage event; when the parents let go their child for their new journey with their soul mate. And now this happened to Sani & Enggal marriage.
Since we documented their event start from the proposing to the reception that surely made us felt even closer to the bride & groom’s family.
We witnessed the emotional atmosphere but also feel happy at the same time, tension that ends with relief, the solemnity when akad, the grandeur of Pedang Pora and the festivy of the wedding.
The wedding event started from the quran recitation, siraman, and binai night. And the next day is the day for their akad using Javanese custom, which started with the Panggih event.
If usually most Minangnese wear red color, but Sani choose peach color instead, for her reception’s kebaya. With a touch of soft make up from Olis Herawati and adding of sunting (the head accessories for Minangnese traditional wedding) from Dinda Sakato made Sani looks very beautiful and graceful.
Enggal is an air force soldier, so their reception was started with Pedang Pora. And of course this was the most awaited event for both of bride & groom, family and even for the invited guests.
The Pedang Pora goes very solemnly and magnificent. Once more, we are very honored to be a part of a soldier’s wedding again.
Congratulations for your beautiful marriage, Sani & Enggal. Thank you for letting us be a part of your special day❤︎
Vendor :
Akad :
Akad :
Makeup : Fitri Liza
Paes : Sanggar Liza
Kebaya : Titik Kebaya
Beskap : Sanggar Liza
Makeup : Olis Herawati
Sunting : Dinda Sakato
Kebaya : Ancha
Adat : Dinda Sakato
Stage & Decoration : Dinda Sakato
Venue : Puri Ardhya Garini
Paes : Sanggar Liza
Kebaya : Titik Kebaya
Beskap : Sanggar Liza
Makeup : Olis Herawati
Sunting : Dinda Sakato
Kebaya : Ancha
Adat : Dinda Sakato
Stage & Decoration : Dinda Sakato
Venue : Puri Ardhya Garini
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